As we continue to take public health measures by “social distancing” we are unable to do in-person estimates at this time. However, we are working toward a way to safely reopen Laurie’s Cleaning Services LLC. In order to reach our goal, we need to ask you a couple of questions so please answer the following questions below.

COVID-19 Update


To our clients and community locally:

I know this is a hard time for each of you and I hope and pray this post reaches you all in good health. As COVID-19 continues to devastate our world with a record number of cases and deaths that follow we’ve made the difficult decision to keep Laurie’s Cleaning Services LLC temporarily closed until further notice. Please follow this blog link for any updates and if you need to talk to Laurie directly you may reach her on the office line 443-637-2202 or text her on her business cellphone 410-903-6062 anytime Monday-Friday between 11:00am-4:00pm

This is a tough call for many reasons. As most of you may have followed the statistics pertaining to the Covid-19 virus you probably already know that there have been over 3,083,467 cases documented in the world with over 213,824 documented deaths. In our state alone we have now reached 20,113 cases and our surrounding counties have the following:


Prince George’s – 5,496

Montgomery – 4,003

Baltimore – 2,631
Baltimore City – 1,977
Anne Arundel – 1,571

These cases do not include the unknown cases due to lack of testing or the people still walking around without symptoms. Therefore as I want to keep our clients, employees, and our family safe at all times I find that the importance of social distancing during this pandemic is essential for everyone at this time.

Upon return to your regularly scheduled service routine Laurie’s Cleaning Services LLC will evaluate your location and if Laurie feels your location needs a deep cleaning due to the missed services she will schedule that for no additional fee to you.

We hope you understand this decision was not an easy decision but a necessary one to keep everyone we all love healthy.

Sincerely with love, hugs and many prayers,
Laurie Heisler
℅ Laurie’s Cleaning Services LLC



To our clients and community locally:
After listening to Governor Hogan today we’ve made the difficult decision to close Laurie’s Cleaning Services LLC temporarily, for at least the next four weeks to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, this is effective immediately. We will also delay the reopening of Laurie’s Cleaning Services LLC if the situation is not cleared by state recommendations. We will also be monitoring and adjusting our plans and timeline accordingly and keeping a close eye on the website as well as the CDC and WHO.
This is a tough call for many reasons. As most of you may have followed the statistics pertaining to the Covid-19 virus you probably already know that there have been over 693,224 cases documented in the world with over 33,106 documented deaths. In our state alone we have now reached 1,413 cases and our surrounding counties have the following:

Baltimore County 186 cases
Anne Arundel 110 cases
Howard County 96 cases
Prince George’s County 294 cases
Montgomery County 341 cases

These cases do not include the unknown cases due to lack of testing or the people still walking around without symptoms. Therefore as we want to keep our clients, employees and our family safe at all times. We find that the importance of social distancing during this pandemic is essential for everyone.

Upon return to your regularly scheduled service routine Laurie’s Cleaning Services LLC will evaluate your location and if Laurie feels your location needs a deep cleaning due to the missed services she will schedule that for no additional fee to you.
We hope you understand as this decision was not an easy decision but a necessary one to keep everyone we all love healthy. You may still call Laurie in the office if you have any questions or you may text her on her cellphone between 9:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday daily.

Sincerely with love, hugs and many prayers,
Laurie Heisler
℅ Laurie’s Cleaning Services LLC

Bathtub Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning a bathtub can be hard and very time consuming but when you call Laurie's Cleaning Services we will clean it for you.

Text DCBT to 410-903-6062 for your FREE estimate and $10.00 off your cleaning service.