Bathroom Tub Cleaning

What you should know about your tub…

  1.  There are probably a lot of germs in your bathroom as you probably already know.
  2. There are more germs than body cells on the human body, by a factor of 10,” says Philip M. Tierno, Jr., PhD, director of clinical microbiology and diagnostic immunology at Tisch Hospital, New York University Medical Center. “So 90% of the total number of cells on your body are actually germ cells. We can’t live in a bubble and avoid germs.” But, says Tierno, most germs are perfectly harmless to us.
  3. However germs like Gastrointestinal viruses can be in your tub too do you need to clean it daily and deep clean it often…

Read more about what Philip M. Tierno, Jr., PhD, director of clinical microbiology and diagnostic immunology at Tisch Hospital, New York University Medical Center at WEBMD


How I got the grime from this tub:

  1. I used a ratio of 1:1 of hot water and hot vinegar with a 1/2 cup of the blue Dawn dish soap.
  2. Mixed it together then added it to a spray bottle.
  3. Sprayed on the area and let sit for a couple of minutes.
  4. Wiped clean with a WHITE CLEAN sponge.
  5. Rinsed with warm water.
  6. Spray with Clorox Clean-Up Disinfectant Spray Cleaner with Bleach to kill any leftover germs.
  7. Rinsed clean with warm water.

Caution: I am a professional and know what surfaces I can use this on so before you try this at home please test your area first or call Laurie’s Cleaning Services for your specialty cleaning service estimate.


Bathroom Tile & Paint Mess

I admit I am not a professional painter and I always make a mess whenever I do paint so I thought I would take a video of how I removed all those annoying paint splatters from my own bathroom tile.

If you need help with your splatter call Laurie’s Cleaning Services today for your FREE estimate.